Case studies
Find out more about the work we do at SIL by hearing directly from the people we’ve supported.

Watch: Angela's story
Angela has struggled with mental health since the age of 14 and came to SIL following an extended stay in hospital. Here she talks about how she has been able to build up her skills and confidence and look forward with a new found sense of hope.
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Watch: Melody's story
Melody, who moved to SIL from a hospital setting, talks about her love for her flat and the support she receives that has allowed her to pursue her creativity and find a new sense of independence and security.
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Watch: Shannon's story
Shannon started struggling with her mental health when she was 10. On leaving hospital and facing the challenges of living in the community she came to SIL in 2018. Here she talks to us about living in her own place and the progress she's made.
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Watch: Louise's story
Louise came to SIL’s Wellingborough service following several hospital placements and a number of failed community placements. Here she describes her journey so far with SIL.
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Watch: Kay's story
Kay's mental health deteriorated following the death of her daughter. Following a long period in hospital and subsequent placement with SIL, she's now living back home with her husband and 4 children.
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Charlie's story
Charlie moved to SIL after spending time in hospital, and in this video shares his new-found sense of independence, new friendships and freedom to persue his passion for music.
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