How ‘game-changer’ e-compliance software assists SIL in providing better support to individuals

Radar, an award-winning risk and compliance software, has quickly become a key tool used by SIL, which is part of Lifeways.
The software assists SIL - which specialises in supporting people with mental health needs - by aiding support teams in SIL’s 24 supported living services across England with everyday functions such as risk management, compliance, governance, and practice oversight.
In the simplest terms, supporting people effectively and safely requires a lot of time-consuming administration.
Using Radar, the clunky process of writing an incident report, attaching it to an email, and waiting for a response is replaced. The software can be accessed from a secure computer, tablet, or phone, and it offers users notifications to identified workflows, guaranteeing an immediate tracked response while automatically capturing the data.
‘A game changer’
“Everybody who works in support says the same thing: they wish they could spend longer delivering meaningful, face-to-face support, and less time completing necessary yet often lengthy paperwork,” says Paul Deacon, Risk Manager, Quality & Practice Team, SIL. Paul is the person in the photo above this article.
“Radar helps us do this – and smooths out a lot of the friction of filing reports. That’s why Radar has been a game-changer for me and for the service managers,” adds Paul.
The software is highly flexible, allowing SIL to focus on specific issues or profiles of people we support that may escalate risk within the organization. This helps to ensure that individuals receive the best possible support.
Radar also helps to identify emerging themes that may undermine risk mitigation measures, while providing objective evidence to the operations and quality teams for future policy or practice change.
Currently, SIL now has 70% of all service workers using Radar, with the target of achieving 100% by spring.
Adaptable software
A key example of Radar’s efficacy is its ability to identify unforeseen pressures on people we support created by the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis. Its trend analysis and reporting features highlight concerns around medication supply, difficulties in managing living environments, and any trouble paying for utilities and food.
Using Radar, SIL was able to provide evidence to operational areas and service managers, which then enabled them to better understand and ease the emerging risks, thereby reducing stress on people they support.
In addition to trend analysis and rapid communication, Radar is also adaptable, allowing adjustments to improve services for specific groups or to highlight areas of concern.
For instance, SIL supports several people who are associated with historic, high-profile events. Without robust oversight, social care funders might not feel comfortable referring such people we support to the organisation.
As a result, Radar has added a significant oversight feature to SIL's risk governance mechanisms, providing solid management and oversight of people we support.
About SIL:
SIL has been providing specialist support and recovery services since 2009. We believe there are still too many people in hospitals or other institutionalised settings who, with the right support and structure, could thrive in community settings.
Currently, SIL operates 24 supported living services across England.
SIL is part of Lifeways Group.
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
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