Beeton Grange

Type of property
Beeton Grange is a residential service providing specialist recovery support for adults. Care and treatment focuses on psychiatric rehabilitation and a short length of stay. This property has 24 bedrooms and communal lounges throughout the service. There is a garden for spending time outdoors when the weather is good. The service is also home to a resident cat. At Beeton Grange, we focus on providing a personalised recovery plan, working with each individual along their recovery journey. We support people to develop in all areas of their life. Everyone is encouraged to be as independent as possible while having an active role in their recovery.
Valued in your community
Beeton Grange is located in the residential area between Smethwick and Birmingham. For people who like to stay active, the Harry Mitchell Leisure Centre nearby provides year-round access to swimming pools and a gym. Smethwick has a large range of restaurants, cafes and shops as well as Victoria Park, a large park which has pleasant walks. Nearby Birmingham has a larger range of amenities, including the Thinktank Science Museum, the Bullring Shopping Centre, O2 Academy, Sealife Centre, and a number of theatres and art galleries.
Living at this service
Life at Beeton Grange is suitable for people with complex mental health needs. We are ready to welcome an individual of any age or gender to Beeton Grange. People choose how they spend their time, enjoying individual hobbies and interests.

“Beeton Grange is a homely and welcoming environment that ensures people are treated as individuals with courtesy and respect. We protect people’s privacy and dignity and allow people to gain and maintain independence. We appreciate and value the role family and friends may play in in the lives of the people we support and welcome their support.” Manager, Beeton Grange
It's good to know...
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