Riding Gardens

Type of property
At Riding Gardens apartments, people can benefit from a vibrant network of staff and friends, while having peace and quiet when they need it too. The property has sixteen one-bedroom apartments, each with a wet-room style bathroom, and an open-plan kitchen and living room. There is a communal living room on the top floor too. Riding Gardens also has an accessible garden with a patio for people to use when the weather is nice. Assistive technology can be tailored to suit the needs of each person, and includes an intercom system, CCTV, a nurse call system in all apartments, and a lift to access the upper floors. There are four fully accessible apartments with height adjustable units and wet room large enough to accommodate wheelchairs.
Valued in your community
Riding Gardens is in Shelf, a village with shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants, and a post office. Bradford is the nearest town and provides access to The Broadway Bradford and Kirkgate shopping centres, the National Science and Media Museum, a Cineworld Cinema, Bradford Ice Arena for ice skating, and the Alhambra Theatre. People also like to visit Halifax and Huddersfield, enjoying the Vue Cinema, Halifax Playhouse and Victoria Theatre, The Eureka! Science Museum, Kingsgate and Packhorse Shopping Centres and Lawrence Batley Theatre.
Living at this service
Riding Gardens is ready to welcome new referrals. The people we support here are aged between 34 and 63, and live with a variety of conditions. People are encouraged to be as independent as possible, forging positive relationships with one another and with the wider community. People’s interests include volunteering, walking, going out for lunch, gardening, shopping, cooking, swimming, karaoke, bingo, arts and crafts, board games, socialising and being in the community. One of the people we support here plays rugby, and everyone likes watching football. People choose how they spend their time. Day trips to the coast, local tourist attractions and the zoo are favourites.

“The facilities at Riding Gardens are enhanced. It is a very friendly community and all people we support feel very welcome. The property is a new-build near to the countryside, with easy access to walks and nature reserves. The community is safe and both staff and the people here feel safe coming in and out of the property. Staff promote independence and confidence in everyone we support, offering encouragement and building on living skills. The atmosphere is very happy.” Manager, Riding Gardens
It's good to know...
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