What Good Looks Like - Comments From The People We Support

What's important to the close to 5,000 people that Lifeways supports across the UK?
Alongside our annual survey of people we support, and their families and guardians, we asked individuals three questions to find out how better to meet people's needs.
These three questions were:
1. What does it mean to be listened to?
2. What does it mean to be respected?
3. What is important about the support we deliver to you?
As a result, we received back hundreds of answers. To help you understand more about the individuals we support, we've put many of these answers below.
What does it mean to be listened to?
- "I am happy because you listen"
- "I can get things off my chest and share my thoughts"
- "We can have open and honest conversations"
- "You listen to my views"
- "I have a voice and am being heard"
- "If someone listens to me I get what I need"
- "Don’t do paperwork when you should be listening"
- "Listen, do something about it and make sure it stays changed for the better"
- "People showing, they care and are interested"
- "Don’t treat me like a case or service but a person"
- "I can email anyone in the organisation and they will help"
- "I have the opportunity to take part in an annual satisfaction survey"
- "There are regular meetings with actions to be completed and discussed at next meeting"
- "Don’t jump in and finish for me"
What does it mean to be respected?
- "I like my staff team and I am involved in choosing them"
- "I feel safe and happy in my home"
- "I feel able to make suggestions and influence change"
- "My staff are kind and understanding to me at all times"
- "People understand the world from my perspective"
- "Speak to me as you would like to be spoken to"
- "Be aware of my choices and preferences and respect these"
- "People respond to my views even if they have different ones"
- "I am involved in all aspects of my life as much as I am able and choose to be"
- "My support is about me! My plans are about me!"
- "If I display a dislike to something, have you considered why? Don’t just presume the reasons."
- "I am supported to maintain important relationships"
- "I have opportunities to meet new people"
- "I am treated equally"
- "You wait to be let into my space - Knock on the door and wait until it's answered"
- "Don’t talk about me or my needs in front of others"
- "Don’t tell me I’m not allowed to open my front door to visitors"
- "Let me answer the telephone"
- "I know what to do if I have any concerns"
- "I am confident that my staff have the correct training to keep me safe Remember that everyone is different"
- "Do what you say you are going to do"
- "Be honest - Let us know when things can’t happen"
- "Let us know as soon as possible if staff are late"
- "I can spend time alone if I choose"
- "I can personalise my room as I like it"
- "I live with others that I choose to – we have been matched to live together"
- "The support you give is at the times I want"
- "Get to know me before trying to be overly familiar"
- "I should be involved in all of the decisions regarding my home and my support"
- "Respects people’s beliefs"
- "Respect my cultural needs"
What is important about the support we deliver for you?
- "Understanding my needs"
- "Giving me choices of things to do"
- "You follow up on complaints"
- "Listen to what I want"
- "You keep my home safe - Completing safety checks"
- "Be a good pair of ears"
- "My support workers always asking me if I am OK and making me a tea"
- "Be there to help but not to do it for us"
- "You review how I want things and keep everything up to date"
- "Use my diary and my communication book"
- "For us to have regular support reviews"
- "Ask us the questions and not our families - We are the ones with the answers."
- "Setting goals and all working towards the same thing"
- "I feel confident to say If I don’t like a member of staff"
- "I need support to fill out forms"
- "I get the right support when I want and need it"
- "My staff know when I don’t want to do something"
- "Support me to be able to say “no” when I don’t have the confidence to be able to say so myself"
- "Work with me to develop my confidence"
- "Staff provide support at night"
- "Research new activities with me"
- "Staff should be matched by their interests to mine"
- "Staff need to know how to support me with intimate relationships"
- "Help me to check my medication"
- "Staff support me to keep my money safe"
- "I can choose my dietary requirements"
- "Advice is given to help me understand positive risk taking vs. negative risk taking"
- "Staff are patient and take their time to help me at my own level and pace"
- "Don’t do things for me because it's quicker"
- "I make the decision about how I spend my money"
About Lifeways:
Lifeways provides extraordinary support for almost 5,000 adults living in the community, across England, Scotland and Wales.
We are the UK's largest team of support professionals in our field. Lifeways supports adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.