For families and individuals
Choosing support for a loved one is never easy. But we can bring 25 years’ experience to help you make the best decision. Whether you need support transitioning from another location, moving away from home, or simply seeking greater independence, Lifeways will be with you for every step of your journey.
Starting your journey
If you are new to social care or have never had a support package before, the very first step is to contact your GP or local authority to help you get support agreed.
They will allocate you a social care professional, usually a social worker, who will then complete a checklist, identify the needs of the person needing support, and decide if a full healthcare assessment is required. We're able to support you through this process if needed, so please do get in touch with us if you'd like any advice.
Find your Local Authority Adult Social Care teamAdvice on getting a needs assessment
“Our sister looks very contented and is flourishing in her new home. All of the team helped make her transition a smooth and happy one”
Relative of person supported by Lifeways
Choosing the right support
Once you have a social worker and have completed a needs assessment, the next step is to consider the different support options available to you.
This can be a daunting and complicated time with the many decisions and options available to you. Our local Enquiry Referral and Assessment Managers will be on hand to visit you, speak to your family and any other key people. They will ask a number of questions to really understand the type of support that is needed, your wishes and goals. The information gathering process can take up to two hours and can be completed in several different visits. If required, we can also carry out assessments remotely via phone and video link.

Choosing a new home
With an agreement in place that support is needed, it’s time to think more about where you would like to live and what property features are important to you.
Before a final decision is made, our local Enquiry Referral and Assessment Managers can arrange visits to our available apartments or shared houses in your chosen location so you can have a look around, meet the current residents and ask our support team any questions you might have. In some cases, you may be able to stay overnight to gain a real feel for the place.
"Sam was getting to the point where he wanted to do more for himself. With Lifeways they plan his support and go out and do things that Sam likes. We have the best of both worlds because he's nearby so we can keep in close contact."
Family of person supported by Lifeways
Securing funding
We know that understanding how social care funding works, figuring out ‘who pays for what’ and grasping the nuances involved within both of those can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if it is new to you or if the reason for seeking funding has happened suddenly.
We can help you understand this system and make sure you’re getting the maximum support available for your family member.
To live in any supported living or residential care setting, you'll need to secure a funding agreement – which is usually between the person receiving the support and their local council (or the NHS). Once we have completed the full assessment and agreed the type of support you require, we will create a support and funding proposal and send it to your local authority for approval – keeping you up to date throughout the process.
To bring some clarity to what social care funding is and the process of seeking funding for yourself or a loved one, we’ve put together two Lifeways resources to help you along the way:
Guide to social funding Podcast: Securing social care funding

Time to move-in
Once you are happy with a particular residential or supported living service and the support team who work there, and funding is approved, we can set a move-in date!
This will move at a pace that works for you, aiming to keep disruptions to any routines to a minimum, and we’ll be on hand to support you through the whole transition process to make the move as smooth as possible.

Support you can trust
Our approach focuses on creating positive outcomes. We believe the people we support are the experts in knowing what’s going to have the most positive impact on their lives. This is why we use Co-production at Lifeways, to enable people to have a voice, help shape the support we provide and ensure the right choice is made.
We’re proud to support almost 5,000 people in more than 1,000 locations across the UK, helping each individual to live with ambition and independence within their local community. Whether you choose supported living or residential care, our approach is always tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of each person. At Lifeways we don't just provide life-changing support, we build life-affirming relationships.
Our care Moving on to adult services Download our guide for families
"Our whole family has been supported by the kind, friendly and professional staff. They saw the potential in our quiet, reserved son and gently gave him the confidence to move into his beautiful new flat."
Family of person supported by Lifeways
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Call 0333 321 4881 or click the link to contact us online.
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