Bradfield Close

Type of property
Bradfield Close is a two-bedroom bungalow where people are welcomed and supported to live independent lives. There’s a spacious living room, a kitchen that leads onto the garden and a shared bathroom with a bath and shower. One of the bedrooms can be used as a staff sleep-in room, making this the perfect single occupancy service. Outside there’s a small garden for spending time outdoors when the weather is good. When you choose supported living, you’re choosing to live independently, safe and secure behind your own front door. There’s peace of mind in knowing the Lifeways team is on-hand, providing tailored support that helps people to lead more fulfilling lives, surrounded by like-minded people.
Valued in your community
Life at Bradfield Close is suitable for people with learning disabilities or autism. We are ready to welcome someone new who would benefit from one-to one support in a safe and homely environment. Whoever moves in will be supported to do the activities they love, and will be encouraged to access the local community, learn new skills and develop their independence.
Living at this service
Bradfield Close is located in a modern residential area just outside Rushden. The Rushden Lakes Shopping Centre is nearby, and there’s an Asda Superstore within walking distance. Rushden Town Centre is a short walk away and offers a number of shops, pubs, restaurants and leisure facilities. Popular local destinations include Rushden Hall Park, Nene Wetlands and Rushden Transport Museum. For those who like to stay active, there are beautiful walks around the many, nearby nature reserves, as well as Splash Leisure Pool and several local gyms.

“Bradfield Close is ready to welcome someone new, and we have a staff team ready to provide person-centred support at whatever level is required.” Manager, Bradfield Close
It's good to know...
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