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Lifeways has launched a new-look advisory panel, led by the people we support, to ensure that people we support are at the heart of every decision. 

The company, the UK’s largest team of professionals supporting people with complex needs in communities, has launched the Lifeways Executive Advisory Panel (LEAP). 

It’s led by people we support, our ‘experts by experience’, who will have a direct line to the company’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to influence and shape decision-making, to co-produce key projects, and to feedback on initiatives.  

The panel will share its views, ideas, and opinions on the support provided, ensuring that the quality of services meets their expectations. This collaborative effort is key to driving positive change within Lifeways and enhance its strong culture of co-production. 

Watch: Meet Caroline and Vicky, two LEAP panellists!

As one panel member eloquently put it, the purpose is to “tell the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) what is important to us, our ideas, not just what you think is important.” 

Sonya Burns, Co-Chair of the LEAP, said: “This is a massive step forward for us (the people supported by Lifeways) to have our voices heard and our ideas taken seriously. Lifeways has always been about supporting people like me to live independently, and now they’ve taken it a step further by launching LEAP.”  

Sonya said the LEAP is a group of ‘experts by experience’ and having a direct line to the leadership team at Lifeways means they can influence big decisions and share their thoughts on how things can be even better. 

“What’s great about LEAP is that it’s all about what’s important to us,” she added. “We get to talk about the support we receive, give feedback on new ideas, and make sure everything Lifeways does meets our needs and expectations. It’s not just about what they think is important - it’s about what we know is important.” 

Exciting times ahead 

Andrea Kinkade, Lifeways' CEO, said: “Lifeways has always been proud of embracing the “nothing about me, without me” philosophy and co-production of services and the new LEAP takes that to the next level. 

“We’re so excited to launch the LEAP and really embed co-production at the most senior level of our organisation. It’s an approach and a commitment which ensures the panel’s contributions are both meaningful and impactful. 

“Lifeways was founded 30 years ago on the values of respect, care, and inclusion, with the people we support at the heart of everything we do and we’re so proud that this legacy is still crucial. 

“The panel will play a key role in shaping the way we operate, ensuring that decisions we make in the executive team are driven by the needs and experiences of those who matter most.” 

Our unique meeting process 

The LEAP team has co-produced its own meeting process to reflect the different needs and unique abilities of its membership. 

“Our Meeting” is a flexible process which enables every LEAP member to participate at different times and in different ways. 

The agenda is distributed ahead of time, allowing members to understand each item and prepare their thoughts. During meeting week, members can choose from a large meeting on Monday, a smaller session on Wednesday, or provide individual contributions at their convenience. 

Setting the Agenda for 2025 

The team has already met and set out its agenda for the year ahead: 

  • Developing work experience opportunities. 
  • Reviewing training programmes and determining how to best involve the people we support. 
  • Influencing recruitment campaigns by sharing insights on what makes a great support worker. 
  • Celebrating Lifeways’ 30th anniversary with innovative ideas. 
  • Designing our logo and officially launching the panel. 
  • Creating a Lifeways Charter for Involvement. 
  • Continuing to advise on safety, policy, quality assurance, and health initiatives. 

The Benefits of LEAP 

The benefits of LEAP are endless - not only for the people involved but for Lifeways as a whole and the wider community.  

By fostering a culture of citizenship, human rights, and democratic participation, LEAP is setting a standard of excellence. This initiative embodies our commitment to being outstanding, driven by the voices of those we support. 


About Lifeways:

Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.

We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.

Lifeways delivers support across three divisions: supported living, residential and mental health services.

As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community. 

Our 9,500 colleagues currently support around 4,200 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales. 

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