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If you've ever visited the beach in a wheelchair, you'll know that sand and wheelchairs don't mix! However, thanks to these amazing beach wheelchairs, residents from our Linlathen Neurological Care Centre near Dundee were able to enjoy a fantastic day out at West Sands beach at St Andrews.

Beach wheelchairs have large, inflatable wheels that distribute weight and make travelling across sand much easier than with traditional wheelchair wheels.

It's great that accessibility is being taken seriously and that new technology is appearing to make people with disabilities able to enjoy all sorts of activities and experiences that would  previously have been out of bounds.

Beach wheelchairs can be bought or rented - and some beaches have their own website which includes information about accessibility. For beach wheelchair hire in Scotland, click here or download an app called Scotland's Accessible Beaches.

It's brilliant that the people we support were able to experience this - after all, who doesn't love a day at the seaside?

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