Best Friends Day: Celebrating friendships among people we support!

Did you know today, Tuesday 8 June is Best Friends Day?
And across Lifeways’ 1,500 services in England, Scotland and Wales, many of the almost 5,000 people we support enjoy friendships – often with our 11,000 colleagues.
The health and wellbeing of people we support is our top priority, along with providing extraordinary support which boosts and encourages independence.
And along the way, we love supporting people to have great friendships, if they choose.
Here’s some highlights of friendships across our services:
Anthony and Amy:
Anthony, who lives at our residential service in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, has struck up a friendship with Amy, a Team Leader who works at the service. The two friends spend a lot of time together – including having a cuppa and cooking.
“I have such a wonderful best friend relationship,” says Amy. “I honestly see Anthony as my best friend.”
John, Ross and Craig:
John, Ross and Craig are three firm friends who live at our supported living service in Rossendale, Lancashire.
During the lockdowns, John, Ross and Craig kept busy cooking and spending time together. Now they’ve been able to get out and about, the three friends have been enjoying day trips – such as this one in April to Blackpool for some sightseeing, fish and chips, and of course, some Blackpool rock!
Ashley and Peter:
Ashley lives in our supported living service in Harwich, Essex. There, he met Peter, and the two shared similar backgrounds and interests, like watching football together.
Living together was a new experience for both of them, but with coaching and support from the support team, Ashley and Peter developed their self-esteem and living skills together. Sadly, last year, Peter passed away.
Ashley understands the loss of his friend, but keeps the fun memories alive.
Good for your health
As well as making you feel happy, people with friends have better all-round health, too.
Scientists say people with friends enjoy a healthier heart, deeper sleep, a stronger immune system, and better all-round mental health.
So if you’re reading this, reach out to a friend and find a way to spend time together – even if it’s just a quick phone call!