Can supported living be the right setting for adults who live with autism? Yes!
Can supported living be the right setting for adults who live with autism? Absolutely.
As the UK's largest team of professionals, supporting 5,000 adults in the community, many of whom live with autism and other needs, Lifeways understands how daunting finding support can be - particularly for family members and professionals.
With supported living services, individuals live in their own flat, or a room in a shared house, alongside an on-site Support Team. This living arrangement enables individuals to live independently - with support available whenever they need it.
Getting it right
At Lifeways, we believe that we're getting it right for the people we support.
That's why in this year's spring edition of Autism Eye, a magazine for parents and professionals, our Specialist Support Manager Jo Lourmpa has talked about how Lifeways delivers extraordinary support - through celebrating the individuality of every person, and enabling people to live more fulfilling, independent lives.
"Ultimately, it's wonderful to see an individual's life transform as they find a service that's right for them," Lourmpa tells Autism Eye.
To find out more, start from the beginning of Autism Eye's digital edition - or skip straight to the section on Lifeways' support for people who live with autism.
About Lifeways
Across England, Scotland, and Wales, our 11,000 colleagues currently support almost 5,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services. Lifeways' extensive knowledge, experience and reach means we deliver extraordinary support to adults who live with diverse and complex needs, including autism, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
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