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Congratulations to the Living Ambitions team at Craig Court in Aberdeen, who recently achieved a rating of 5 (‘Very Good’) for care, support, management and leadership following a visit from the Care Inspectorate.

Inspectors spoke to people we support and their families during the visit. the Care Inspectorate praised staff for their warmth and compassion. In their report, they said:

“The staff and management had fully considered the service users’ wellbeing and quality of life outcomes. The outcomes for service users were very positive. There was a warm, friendly relaxed environment in the home that promoted genuine focus on positively improving and enhancing the service users’ quality of life.”

Matthew Weston, Administrator at Craig Court, said:

“We are delighted that Craig Court’s fantastic nursing and care team, led by the exceptional management team Fiona Whyte and Philip Stuart-Barton, have been able to maintain exceptional care to all our long-term and rehab clients throughout 2018 and we are thrilled this has been recognised by the Care Inspectorate”.

Click here to read the full Care Inspectorate findings.

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