Developing our vision and values with the people we support
The Lifeways Group invited some of the people who are supported by its services to attend a coproduction meeting on Thursday 21st December at the Orange Box youth centre in Halifax, Calderdale.
Over 40 people attended the event, and the aim of the day was to discuss the organisation’s vision and values.
Guests were also given the chance to meet members of our senior management team including Chief Executive Paul Marriner.
Graham Farrington-Horsfall, Head of Quality, said:
“It’s an important day for us, working with the people we support to understand what our vision for the organisation should be. It’s about helping people live ordinary lives with extraordinary support. We’re also looking at our values – We Listen, We Respect, We Deliver. What does that mean to the people we support? People living in services every day with support workers have a different perspective on it that we want to hear.”
Look out for more photos and videos from the event on our website and social media pages in the coming weeks. We’ll also provide regular updates on the actions we’re taking in response to the suggestions we received on the day.
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