Do you have a family member who needs support? Check out our brand-new family brochure!

If you’re a family member of someone who needs support, and you’re not sure how to get started, we can help.
To help you know what to do, we’ve created a 13-page brochure, which you can download.
The brochure includes information on:
- The first steps you need to take if you’re new to social care
- What life is like at a Lifeways supported living service
- What support Lifeways can offer
- Stories of the people we support
- How the move-in process to a service works
- Frequently asked questions
We recognise that it can be difficult to find the right kind of support for a family member of any age and circumstance who lives with complex needs.
But you’re not alone. At Lifeways, we’re here to offer you guidance and support through every step of the journey.
Our guide aims to help your family member if they’re:
- moving from somewhere else, such as another service or secure setting
- leaving home for the first time and moving into a Lifeways service
- looking for greater independence, with support available when they need it.
We hope our guide will make this step a little easier - and provide you with the information you need to make an informed choice that gives you and your family member peace of mind.
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals for adults in the community.
If you’ve got a family member aged 18 and upwards in England, Scotland or Wales who lives with diverse and complex needs, including autism, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions, we may be able to provide support.
Download the brochure: Choosing the right support - a guide for families