Everyday Superhero Awards 2019

Lifeways is delighted to announce that Amanda Malone, Team Leader in Cheshire has been nominated as a finalist for the Active Cheshire ‘Everyday Superhero Awards 2019’.
Active Cheshire wants to celebrate all the unsung everyday superheroes in Cheshire and Warrington who have inspired people to move more, no matter how big or small.
Amanda has been nominated for the ‘Health & Social Care Superhero Award’. This award celebrates those everyday superheroes who provide any level of care, support or encouragement, whether social, health or medically related resulting in that individual getting more active. She is the only nominee from a care provider too!
Amanda has been recognised for her hard work over the past four years to support two individuals lose a combined total of 14 stone which has seen an active reduction in a number of health issues!
Amanda has not only been proactive in helping the individuals lose weight through healthy eating, she has ensured exercise and being active has been a focus of all involved. Amanda has had to work with the staff team and family members to change the culture and focus which has been a resounding success and is now firmly embedded in the everyday running of the service.
Amanda's manager, Judy, said:
"Amanda is really excited. She works above and beyond every day, and everything she does is in the best interests of the people we support. She so deserves this, she is amazing! Huge thanks to Karen Roberts for putting the nomination forward."
The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday 25th September at Chester Racecourse and we’d like to wish Amanda the best of luck!