Full steam ahead for our new build developments

2017 was a very busy year for our new build team, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down in 2018. Over the last year we have opened 15 new services across the UK, with another 23 due to open in the next 12 months. With over 40 more services already operational and 20 more in the planning stage, we will have helped deliver over 1200 purpose built apartments to those needing supported living accommodation across the country.
Purpose built homes in the heart of the community
The majority of local authorities are facing a severe shortage of suitable support and accommodation for adults with learning disabilities and complex care needs. That’s where we start our planning process with commissioners, care managers, families and potential service users. By building local services we enable people to live close to family and friends while enjoying everything the local community has to offer.
Building solid homes and solid relationships
We work in partnership with local communities, registered housing developers and landlords to build homes that are accessible, contemporary and personalised. We really think about the needs of the people who will call these places home, and everything is designed accordingly. Whether it’s widened doors, customised wet rooms, low level kitchen facilities or even specialist lighting for people with autism, our apartments are tailored to accommodate different support needs. Even the design and layout of each development encourages social interaction and community engagement for the people living there.
Chris’s new found freedom
After taking the leap to move out of his parents’ house, Chris is enjoying his independence in his own apartment at Scholes Croft, our purpose built scheme in St Helens. Chris tell us, “Before my social worker referred me to Lifeways, I was looking for somewhere to live for a while. For me it was a case of finding somewhere that met my needs. I looked at other places to live but the support was more intense. I needed somewhere that would help me to learn and develop, and become as independent as possible. I now feel much more in control of my life.”
The future
We’re really excited about the new build developments coming up in 2018 and being able to help more people live safely, independently and with the right level of support for their needs.
If you are a family member, health professional, social worker, or you require some support for yourself, contact us to chat about how we can help.