How working with an NHS trust and council helps a Lifeways service in Portsmouth deliver top-notch support

A partnership between a Lifeways supported living service in Portsmouth and a learning disability service run jointly by the local council and NHS trust is providing high-quality support to individuals at the service.
In February 2020, Lifeways took over a supported living service in Portsmouth from another provider. The service supports 22 people who live with complex health needs and learning disabilities.
When taking over the service, Lifeways partnered with Solent NHS Trust’s Kestrel Centre, the trust’s Learning Disability Healthcare Service, which is integrated with Portsmouth City Council.
As part of the partnership, Lifeways put in place improvements to the service, including team training that focused more on the needs of individuals we support there.
Going the extra mile
Since then, and through the first lockdown of 2020, the service has continued working closely in the partnership.
During the summer, three members of the Support Team at the Portsmouth service were recognised by the Kestrel Centre for going the extra mile with the individuals supported there. The three team members each received an NHS rainbow badge which honours key workers during the pandemic.

Tailored support
Learning Disability Nurses (RNLDs) from the Kestrel Centre support the service with each individual’s health conditions.
Working together, the nurses and Support Team write support plans and health action plans to ensure everyone receives tailored support.
The Learning Disability Nurses also help teach the team how to understand an individual’s support needs if they receive a new diagnosis.
More recently, the team at the Lifeways service in Portsmouth has also been taught remotely by District Nurses to support individuals with blood glucose monitoring and insulin levels.
This training means the service can keep people safe by keeping support in the team - without the need from outside health professionals visiting, and the associated risk of spreading COVID-19.
“Learning Disability Nurses are in constant contact with us,” says Gina Denyer, the Service Manager. “Together we resolve any concerns and ensure people receive an excellent quality of support.”
“The advantage of being in a partnership like this is to be able to share ideas and to learn from each other,” adds Gina.
Alac Pengelly, Lifeways’ Southern Regional Operations Director, says: “We continue to form a strong relationship with the Portsmouth City Council and the Solent NHS Trust and very much value their input in helping us to provide more extraordinary support for the individuals who live there.”
About Lifeways:
Across the UK, Lifeways’ 11,000-strong team of professionals provide extraordinary support for adults in the community.
We support adults living with diverse and complex needs. These needs include learning disabilities, autism, mental health conditions, acquired brain injuries, and physical disabilities.
Discover support in your area, or get in touch.
Please note: The image at the top of this article is for illustrative purposes only. The photo was taken before the COVID-19 pandemic, and does not depict anyone mentioned in this article.