‘I get to go out and do the things I love’: How Lynda’s thriving at our Sheffield supported living service!

It’s only been three months since Lynda moved to Hall Road, our Lifeways supported living service in Sheffield.
Yet since Lynda arrived, she’s been embracing her new-found freedom, independence and support to live her best life.
Let’s rewind. Lynda lives with physical disabilities, and uses a wheelchair and a walker to get about.
But before coming to Hall Road, Lynda’s previous accommodation saw her receive only short house calls from domiciliary carers.
Lynda was not able to have her physical mobility needs met – or pursue any kind of meaningful independence.
To make things worse, due to difficulties moving about, Lynda couldn’t cook for herself, and had been mainly eating ready meals that domiciliary carers would prepare for her.
She was supported only a couple of hours per week to leave the service, and had become anxious about leaving home.
Lynda also struggled to access her bathroom, meaning she had to wash in her bedroom.
Another serious concern was that Lynda’s previous service was not staffed around the clock – which meant she would have struggled to evacuate the building in the emergency.
Working in partnership
Thankfully, working in partnership with Sheffield City Council’s adult social care team, Lifeways was able to provide suitable accommodation for Lynda.
This summer, Lifeways supported Lynda to move to Hall Road. The Sheffield service is a group of four two-bedroom bungalows where people are supported to live independently.
Lynda’s delighted with the move – and she’s already made it homely, after being assisted by her support team to buy new furniture.
“My bedroom is lovely,” she says.
Lynda also says she can finally enjoy two showers a day, her own preference.
Embracing independence
“I love living in Handsworth,” says Lynda, referring to the Sheffield suburb where the Hall Road service is located.
Lynda’s been embracing the independence that her new settings offer – and support when desired.
“I get a lot more time with the support team, and get to go out and do the things I love,” says Lynda. “I love going shopping and going for coffee.”
Assisting Lynda’s move to the Lifeways service was Kieran Money, our Enquiry, Referral and Assessment Manager for the East Midlands.
“From the moment I met Lynda I knew I wanted to provide her with the home and support she deserved,” says Kieran.
“It’s great to see that all the work put into the referral process has provided Lynda with an very much improved quality of life.”
It’s great to support you, Lynda!
About Hall Road:
Hall Road is located in the suburb of Handsworth, about 10 minutes’ drive from Sheffield City Centre.
The supported living service is made up of four two-bedroomed bungalows where people are supported to live independently.
Each bungalow has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. Hall Road also has a shared garden with a patio and a BBQ for people to relax in when the weather is good.
Assistive technology can be tailored to suit the needs of each person and includes an intercom system and level access into the building.
Hall Road is part of Lifeways.
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
Our 11,000 colleagues currently support almost 5,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
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