In photos: Loch Park Day Centre in Scotland gets a sensory relaxing area in time for summer!

Summer has well and truly arrived at Loch Park Day Centre in Moray, Scotland, with a new outdoor sensory relaxing area, co-produced by people we support and our teams.
Walk round the service’s grounds and you’ll see newly-installed picnic seating, rows of flowers, and a pergola - surrounded by concrete and gravel paths.
The outdoor revamp at Loch Park Day Centre took lots of work. People we support and the team all pitched in to make it happen!
“I’m really proud of everything that the people we support have achieved,” said Loch Park’s Manager James Baird.
“They have completed the whole project themselves, right from the raising of the money, the laying of the concrete, to the growing and tending of the flowers. It goes to show what the people we support can achieve when given the opportunity.”
“I think it is good, and it makes me feel more comfortable when I’m having my lunch.” –Alison, an individual we support
“It’s bonny!” – Kyle, an individual we support
“I think it’s magnificent.” – Ewan, an individual we support
About Loch Park:
Loch Park is a day centre for adults who live with learning disabilities.
The service is located in the highlands of Scotland, in Moray, Banffshire, and is surrounded by beautiful countryside and a nearby loch.
Our main focus at Loch Park is on teaching rural skills, and we do this through our small business, Heartwood Logs and Kindling Supplies.
People we support who run the business are fully trained in operating the kindling machine and log splitters, as well as undergoing regular health and safety training. Together with the team, we chop, stack, and bag the logs, then deliver the logs directly to the customer.
We have customers from all over the county and have had great support from the local community.
Loch Park is run by Living Ambitions, part of the Lifeways Group.
The Lifeways Group is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.