In pictures: Colourful artwork from individuals we support at the Pensby Road supported living service!

Individuals supported by Lifeways in their own homes at our Pensby Road supported living service have come together to create artwork for the walls, creating a more personalised place to live.
Step inside the service, situated in the town of Heswall on the picturesque Wirral peninsula, and you’ll be greeted by canvases painted with rainbows, flowers, trees, and positive messages.
Here’s a collage showcasing just some of the artwork:
Spearheading the creative project was Jayne Critchley-Riley, the New Developments Scheme Manager for the Liverpool area. “We gave each person we support and team members at the service a canvas, to make the rather large landings more homely.”
To make painting the canvases even more fun, people supported by Lifeways and the support team spent several days having afternoon tea and meeting together to paint. Jayne’s delighted with the result.
“I love what everyone’s painted. It is so personal, and makes the hallways more cosy,” says Jayne.
Gareth Roberts, Lifeways’ Quality Director, recently visited the service. “I was very impressed by these personal touches and how it brightened up the building – every corridor had artwork on display, produced by the people that live there.”
About Pensby Road:
Pensby Road supports people living with learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, mental health conditions, and acquired brain injuries.
Situated in the town of Heswall, on the scenic Wirral peninsula, Pensby Road is a modern, purpose-built development of 19 one-bedroom apartments. The service is wheelchair accessible, with a lift and stairs to all four floors. Outside there’s a shared garden with patio area for everyone to enjoy.
Pensby Road is part of Lifeways.
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s leading provider of supported living services. As the leading provider in the supported living sector, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, helping them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
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