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gareth roberts international risk management

Gareth Roberts, Lifeways’ Group Head of Quality, Health and Safety, has been selected by the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) to join the charity’s Emerging Risk Leaders steering group.

IIRSM supports those responsible for managing risks of all forms, around the world.

The steering group is made up of 27 individuals from organisations in countries including the UK, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, and Egypt.

Gareth’s role on the steering group is as Communication Lead, looking at how the IIRSM supports organisations and other aspiring risk leaders of the future with unique risk challenges.

“We will use the experience of the group to provide novel solutions to a range of challenges and projects,” says Gareth.

Growing stature

Gareth says he believes the global COVID-19 pandemic has caused risk management to grow in stature.

“We must continue to build on any positive relationships that we have forged,” says Gareth.

“I look forward to engaging with like-minded risk professionals to drive meaningful change. I expect to learn a lot from the group given the range of knowledge and expertise that each person offers. It is an exciting opportunity.”

Membership of IIRSM is by recognised qualification and competence. The charity provides assistance through its London-based head office and networks across the UK and worldwide.

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