Lifeways launch all new accessible and inclusive website

To make our online presence as inclusive as possible, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new website incorporating the accessibility software tool from Recite Me, which enables our visitors to view, navigate and customise the website to suit their individual needs. To improve its accessibility, the website offers text-to-speech capabilities, reading support functionalities for people with learning difficulties and styling tools such as text enlargement, colour themes, an interactive dictionary and a translation tool amongst many features.
In the UK alone, it is estimated that over 12 million people have print impairments such as dyslexia, reading issues and visual impairments while over 8 million people speak English as a second language. They will now be able to use the real-time translation feature which can translate over 100 languages, and has 35 text to speech voices to meet the diverse needs of our website visitors.
With the above statistics in mind, it is even more important to work towards inclusivity and to remove the barriers that prevent people from interacting, engaging and contributing equally. At Lifeways we support an environment that unites diverse people, capabilities and ideas. We believe in equal access to opportunities and are focused on creating environments where people feel valued and comfortable – this includes making online data and information accessible to as many people as possible.
With the introduction of the Recite Me tool, which is launched easily via an accessibility button at the top of the home page, we are now able to provide online content to those with a wide range of disabilities and accessibility issues and remove some of the barriers to being able to understand information online.
Lifeways’ Head of Marketing commented, “It is important that we make access to our services and finding information as easy as possible for all our website users and making the Recite Me tool available for users with accessibility issues, ensures that everyone will now be able to enjoy the same experience.”
You can learn more about Recite Me by visiting their website here.