Lifeways launches Yes to You, our official podcast!

Lifeways has now launched its first podcast.
Entitled Yes to You, the podcast will cover topics that are useful and educational for both social care funders and family members, and will feature our in-house support experts sharing expertise, advice, and insights.
Our very first episode:
For our very first episode, entitled Yes to child-to-adult support transitions, our host Paul is joined by Will Oborne, Community Engagement and Business Development Manager for Lifeways’ East region, to discuss navigating the transition from children’s to adult services.
Child-to-adult transitions usually means 17 or 18-year-olds who move from a parent’s home, school or facility into a supported living residential service.
This episode aims to answer questions and factors that family members or individuals considering a move to adult services might wish to know, such as:
- What is a social care transition?
- How to handle transition stress and emotions
- What are some practical things you have to think about while making a transition?
The podcast will see new episodes launched every month, and is available on all major podcasting platforms, and our own website. Each episode will contain a written transcript, if you prefer to read instead of listen.
Don’t forget to subscribe on your favourite podcast platform, to make sure you don’t miss an episode!
Listen on:
Our website (which gives you access to a written transcript of the episode)
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
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