‘Lifeways played a pivotal role’: Alysia, who we support in Exeter, moves out to start a new life

After six years of receiving support, Alysia, who lives in her own home at our Exeter Lifeways supported living service, has now started a new life, living independently.
Alysia is in her forties. After a long period in hospital, Alysia moved to her own purpose-built apartment in Oak House, a Lifeways supported living service in Exeter.
Now, Alysia’s moved to Exmouth, a half-hour drive from Exeter, to live by the beach, and most importantly, be nearer to her family.
To mark the end of six years of support by Lifeways, Alysia sat down with Simon Woodman, the Scheme Manager, to write the story below, in her own words.
My journey with Lifeways:
I moved from hospital in August 2016 to a new [Lifeways] flat that I was able to decorate and make homely.
This was a big change from a long period in hospital, and I had support on site from Lifeways staff who are offering 24/7 support, which was so important to me in my transition from hospital to the community.
The staff at Lifeways set up a support plan and regular support hours, which meant all of my support workers were aware of my needs and there was always a consistent approach to my care, including as things evolved and changed over time.
Lifeways staff have always encouraged me to plan for my future and set achievable goals, which were regularly reviewed.
Over my time living in my own home I had many struggles to overcome in my life, and Lifeways played a pivotal role in supporting me along my journey.
When my mental or physical health deteriorated, Lifeways staff were always flexible and adjusted my support, according to my needs. I made friends within the community and even took on a voluntary job to give me a focus and interest.
Lifeways was alongside me to support with whatever choices I made.
Exeter is a convenient location as it allowed me to have my independence but also be close enough to my family, as they mean a lot to me.
As challenges in my physical health transpired, Lifeways was able to support me by providing a ground floor flat to enable me to still have a quality of life to get out and about. This was so important also for my mental health. I have many happy memories at Oak House, and little did I know when I moved in that this would be the home I have lived in the longest, six years!
I think one of the things I appreciate the most is that staff and support workers have never judged me.
And at times when I really had lost hope for myself and my recovery, they were always there to hold that hope for me and help me refocus and get back on track.
I’m glad that there has been a positive end to my time at Lifeways where I have been able to reflect and celebrate all that I have accomplished with such fantastic support along the way, as I move on independently to live [in Exmouth] by the seaside and my family.
‘Could not be prouder’
Simon Goodman, the Scheme Manager of Oak House, where Alysia lived, is delighted at her achievement.
“Since I have been managing the flat based scheme for the past 6 years, Lifeways support workers have been a constant, along with myself in Alysia’s journey.”
“I could not be prouder of her achievements and her outlook on her future, from the person that joined all those years ago to where she is now.
“I wish Alysia every success for her future and I know she will pop by to have a coffee and keep me updated on her success!”
Thank you for sharing your story, Alysia!
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
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