Lifeways plugs into 100% renewable electricity deal

A new agreement between Lifeways and energy provider Ecotricity will see all of the care provider’s residences and offices powered by renewable electricity for the first time.
The deal means 127 properties operated by Lifeways, the UK’s biggest team of professionals providing support for people with complex needs, have been using renewable sources since 6 October 2024.
Kieron Steele, Chief Financial Officer for Lifeways, said: “Lifeways is passionate about supporting people in every possible way and by switching our main electricity supplier to renewable-only means we can meet our commitment to become a more sustainable organisation.
“This is the latest in a raft of measures we’ve taken to reduce our impact on the environment. We still have a way to go, but we’re certainly on the right path.
“For example, we ensure our suppliers have solid net zero credentials, we’ve begun the process of replacing our fleet with hybrid or electric vehicles and we’re encouraging the people we support to think about green energy suppliers for their own properties.”
In the picture at the top of this article, support workers at our Heath Farm residential service in Scopwick, Lincolnshire, pose in a new hybrid vehicle that makes up part of the service's new fleet.
Lifeways last year published its commitment to a sustainable future which included:
- Net zero by 2050
- Fully electric fleet by 2035 (example pictured)
- Elevating Residential Homes to EPC Rating C by 2040
- Promoting Bio-Diversity in Our Homes
- Reducing Paper Usage and travel
- Supporting our staff to transition to electric personal vehicles through discounts and partnerships
- Rolling out energy-efficient lighting solutions
- Aligning with the UK Government's timeline for electric boiler installation
- Committing to the ongoing review of sustainable energy sources
- Reducing our office footprint in alignment with evolving regulations.
Discover more about our commitment to a sustainable future and social value: Our social value commitments | Lifeways
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
Lifeways delivers support across three divisions: supported living, residential and mental health services.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
Our 11,000 colleagues currently support around 4,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
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