Lifeways retains world’s most recognised quality management certification

Lifeways' quality of care and support, health and safety, and governance systems have led to its renewed certification of the world’s most recognised quality management system standard.
After a rigorous auditing process, Lifeways now has a fresh ISO 9001:2015 certification, applying to its delivery of health and social care services.
“ISO 9001:2015 certification is important for Lifeways,” said Gareth Roberts, Lifeways’ Director of Quality.
“The certification evidences that quality of care and support is our focus,” he added.
“Our focus includes the safety, health, and wellbeing of the people we support and our colleagues. We are continuously looking for innovative ways we can strengthen our delivery of quality care and support, through improved governance, risk management and positive risk taking for the people we support – with a focus on ensuring people live happy, independent lives.
Data-driven approach
Lifeways' work in increasing quality and safe support is further evidenced by a reduction in accidents, incidents, claims, and a proactive safety culture.
From 2021, Lifeways’ Health and Safety Team and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) teams began using information from our new electronic compliance system, Radar Healthcare.
As part of the project to improve our quality and reduce accidents and incidents, the two teams focused on the meticulous collection and analysis of behavioural data.
This data-driven approach paid off. Focused interventions from the two teams helped Lifeways reduce its physical assault events by 48%, alongside a 65% decrease in accidents and incidents that are notifiable to insurers.
“These initiatives, among others, have helped our operational teams align and comply with ISO 9001, resulting in ISO auditors making zero recommendations in 2024,” said Gareth.
‘It was great to see a team that cares’
The ISO auditor from our certification partner, Citation ISO Certification, shared their remarks on Lifeways’ renewed certification.
“From a personal perspective, it was great to see a team that cares and was so engaged in doing the right thing,” the auditor said.
What is ISO 9001?
ISO 9001 is the International Standard for Quality Management, first published in 1987 by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).
ISO 9001 certification has been adopted by over 1 million organisations across the world, who are guided by the standards to continually monitor, manage, and improve their quality.
The latest version, ISO 9001:2015, places a greater emphasis on customer or stakeholder satisfaction.
Lifeways also has additional ISO certification for information security, ISO/IEC 27001.
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
Lifeways delivers support across three divisions: supported living, residential and mental health services.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
Our 11,000 colleagues currently support around 4,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
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