Lifeways wins Learning & Development Award at Stars of Social Care Awards

Lifeways’ Learning and Development team has won the Learning & Development Award at this year’s Stars of Social Care Awards, thanks to their new series of online and virtual instructor-led health and wellbeing training modules for all 9,500 colleagues.
The award was presented by ITV presenter Josie Gibson at a ceremony held in a ballroom at the London Marriott Hotel in Regent’s Park earlier this week.
The modules cover a wide range of topics, from specialist care procedures such as catheter and stoma care, to awareness courses on ME, sepsis, and alternative dietary requirements. They are all based on best practice and NICE guidelines, and were created following collaboration with subject matter experts to ensure they are meaningful and relevant.
The modules are easily completed by team members on MyLifeways Learning, our central learning management system, that can be accessed on any smartphone, tablet, or computer.
The Learning and Development team have a robust process for developing and reviewing training, and are responsive to individual needs. This ensures that the training is always up-to-date and relevant.
Take-up and feedback for the modules has been positive, with team members commenting on how they are interesting, informative, and easy to follow.
The impact of the training has been significant, with team members feeling more confident and better equipped to respond to the needs of people they support. They know when to seek medical advice, leading to early interventions and helping prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and avoidable deaths.
Danny Coulton, Head of Learning Development, said: “We take great pride that the quality of our training has a direct impact on the quality of care that we provide for the people we support. Since the training courses were rolled out, appropriate care can now be undertaken by familiar people, rather than waiting for NHS or external health professionals.”
Karen Roberts, Group Head of Health & Clinical Governance, added: “This training is demand-led, covers a huge range of subjects, and the impact it has made on people’s lives is fantastic.”
Congratulations, Learning and Development team!