Lisa's way with words

Lisa is supported by Lifeways, and she has transformed her life and inspired others by writing poetry. She tells us her story:
"I started writing poetry at the age of 11 after my father committed suicide to help me through it. I wrote about how I felt when my dad left me and churches started asking me to do readings of it. I’m not religious but I thought that if it gave others comfort then I would be helping them.
I have had one of my poems published in a book and I have had offers to publish others, but I just wanted to concentrate on getting well. I’ve had exhibitions of my artwork as well. My art and poetry give me a great deal of satisfaction.
When I first moved here I wouldn’t settle down and caused lots of trouble. I had no goals, no hope and no direction. But the staff never gave up on me and this gave me the confidence to start changing my life for the better.
I have goals, hopes and dreams now! I’m moving into my very own flat in July. I also want to get a volunteer job soon, and my ultimate goal is to become a Support Worker because I really feel that I could really help people who have been through some of the same experiences as me.
I’ve been given a second chance and I’ve realised there is a whole big life just waiting for me and all I have to do is live it.”
Read on for a selection of Lisa’s poems:
Sat here on a rock
Sat here on a rock
In the middle of nowhere
Surrounded by the ocean view
With my knees together
My arms and head resting on them
With my mind wondering away
As I sat listening to
Sounds of nature
Feeling peacefully
As I sit there alone
With no one around
I sit there spending
Time with nature
Relating, gathering all my thoughts
Breathing in the ocean air
While my mind is elsewhere.
Waiting for You
I sit here so alone
Staring at the clock
Listening to its tick along
As each day comes along.
And just below that
Ticking clock!
Are pictures of you all my loves
Pictures I will cherish
In my heart forever!
Pictures of the last time I saw you
Are so fresh in my memory too!
I feel that I can’t last the
Next few years without you.
But as long as I’ve got
That clock ticking on the wall!
Next to you
I’ll make sure
I’m here waiting for you.
Winter’s on its Way
I look up at night
Looking at the stars
Looking through the dusty grey clouds
Seeing sparkling little white stars.
And listening to the wind
As it whooshes through the midnight air
Blowing in the trees
Rustling the leaves
Listening how quiet it is
And feeling the coldness
Of winter on its way