Liz scoops top award

The Welsh Care awards were held last Friday and we are delighted to announce that Liz Williams scooped the bronze award in her category.
Liz, who is a team leader in one of our Wrexham services, was nominated for the highly coveted Care Practitioner for Supported Living. Attending the event at Cardiff City Hall with Liz were Nicola Forshaw (Managing Director, Operations), Annette Hewitson (Area Manager), other members of our Wrexham team, and two parents of people we support.
Nicola says:
“The development of our services in Wrexham by Annette, Area Manager Angela Price and the whole team have meant that we are well established in the community with excellent commissioner and family relationships in place. I’m extremely proud to be associated with our team in Wales and to be the Nominated Individual for this area. We are all particularly proud of Liz, who has shown such dedication and devotion. For me, people like Liz sum up what is great about working at Lifeways. Well done!!”
The event was hosted by Wynne Evans – the Welsh tenor known for his ‘Go Compare’ insurance advertisements. He ended the ceremony by giving a wonderful rendition of the Welsh National anthem that nearly blew the roof off.