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Loch Park 5th Birthday Celebrations
Dream time group entertain festival goers

Dream time group entertain festival goers

This year, Loch Park day centre celebrated its 5th birthday in style with a music festival held in its grounds in the picturesque Strathisla Valley. Loch Park’s manager James Baird told us more about it:

“We asked staff, the people we support, families, friends and the local community to tell us what they wanted from a festival. We had a fantastic response and they told us what they wanted from the festival. It has been a great success and this year has been the best so far.”

One of the people we support making Friends at Loch Park music festival

One of the people we support making Friends at Loch Park music festival

Around 200 people attended, helping to raise over £1,600. This was achieved by the people we support, staff, families, local community, friends and local businesses all working together. They did this by making and donating things to sell and raffle on stalls at the festival. Tesco Community staff ran a tea tent and Tesco’s generously donated all of the supplies.

People we support and the local community enjoying the annual music festival

People we support and the local community enjoying the annual music festival

The money raised was donated to local charities and a small portion used to buy tools for Loch Park. Keith and Dufftown Heritage Railway received £250. Cancer Research received £1,000 and CLAN cancer support £250. Rrrrallye Keith, an organisation which supports young people to be safer on the roads, also received £250.

Everyone had a really great time and they are already busy planning this year’s festival.

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