Scottish Learning Disability Week: How a sensory revamp to Megan’s bedroom helped her socialise and be more active!

This week, from 6-12 May, marks Scottish Learning Disability Week. We’re highlighting some of the fantastic support provided in Lifeways’ services across Scotland. Many of our Scottish services are managed by Living Ambitions, a part of the Lifeways Group.
Freshening up and making a bedroom more personal has made a meaningful impact on Megan, whom we support in Glasgow. Megan, who’s in her twenties, lives with autism and a learning disability. For the past five years, Megan has been supported by Living Ambitions at a shared house in Glasgow.
At home, Megan would spend much of her time sitting in her bedroom and watching TV. While she seemed content, her support team, led by Registered Manager Jennifer Damer, identified that Megan might enjoy more sensory stimulation, and accompanied her on visits to a sensory centre.
Putting a plan together
Then, Megan’s support team, her family, and a Glasgow City Council social worker set up a plan to further boost her quality of life: revamping her bedroom to make it more stimulating and personal. “The idea was to meet Megan’s needs and for her room to become a place of peace and fun, and not just for watching TV,” says Jennifer Damer, the Registered Manager at Megan’s service.
After thorough online research, Jennifer and the team found a specialist sensory equipment provider. Together, the firm and the team put together a person-centred plan for Megan’s bedroom. The revamped bedroom is full of features, including:
- A twinkling star ceiling panel
- A personalised Peppa Pig sensory board
- A sofa with cute star-shaped cushions
- LED lighting that changes colour around the cornicing and skirting boards
- A ceiling projection that lights up the walls with different coloured hearts
- A pull-down screen showing relaxing videos, including an aquarium with colourful fish.
But like any sizable renovation project, Megan’s bedroom needed plenty of time for the revamp.
While the work took place, Megan went on holiday to Blackpool for two weeks, sharing a hotel room with her support team members. “This was Megan’s first time sharing such a close space with others,” recalls Jennifer.
While in Blackpool, Megan began to seek out engagement from her support team members. “This was a new behaviour that we had never seen before,” adds Jennifer. When Megan returned from her holiday, she spent a few days sleeping in the lounge until her room was complete.
A new pathway
Sleeping in the lounge opened another pathway for Megan, who was starting to explore more areas of her home, and to spend more time with team members and her two housemates.
“Megan’s support workers say she has now started to build lovely relationships within her own home,” says Jennifer. Several months later, and Megan is enjoying her revamped bedroom, receiving support with sensory activities several times a day. But the biggest change of all is Megan building a social life within her home. “We can see how much more of a meaningful quality of life she has,” she adds.
“Megan is engaging with others. She’s spending time all over her house, and not only in one room, her support workers report. She has developed new routines and pathways that allow her to live a more meaningful and happy life.”
It's great to see you thrive, Megan!
About Living Ambitions:
Living Ambitions delivers a diverse range of bespoke services across the UK including supported living, residential care, outreach services, respite care and support at home, with the aim of helping people live as independently as possible.
Living Ambitions is part of the Lifeways Group.
About Lifeways:
With 11,000 support colleagues working with us, Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
Lifeways support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.