Scottish Learning Disability Week: Liam’s new light-up stairs boost his independence!

This week, from 6-12 May, marks Scottish Learning Disability Week. We’re highlighting some of the fantastic support provided in Lifeways’ services across Scotland. Many of our Scottish services are managed by Living Ambitions, a part of the Lifeways Group.
A new stair-lighting system in his apartment has helped Liam, who we support in Glasgow, regain independence and feel less anxious.
For the past two decades, Liam, who’s in his sixties, has lived in a duplex apartment, where he receives support from our team at Living Ambitions. However, over the years, Liam's eyesight has declined due to cataracts in both eyes.
This declining eyesight had begun to hinder Liam’s journeys up and down the stairs, causing him anxiety and reducing his trips outside. In response, our support team, led by Registered Manager Jennifer Damer, devised a plan: to illuminate the stair skirting boards to make his trips up and down easier. The team also installed different coloured lights on the stairs to help Liam distinguish between the staircase and the flat areas leading into his house.
Now, Liam can easily walk up and down his stairs, feeling less anxious about going outside. Consequently, his support workers report that he has regained much of the independence he once enjoyed.
Watch: Liam tests out his revamped stairs!
“Revamping Liam’s stairs with different coloured lighting has made such a difference to his life,” says Jennifer Damer, the Registered Manager. “Liam is able to enter and exit his house as many times as he likes, without the great difficulty he had in the past.”
Liam’s sensory ceiling
Around the same time, Liam’s support team also noticed how much he enjoyed visiting a sensory room outside his home. Another plan was set in motion: working alongside Liam’s Glasgow City Council social workers, our team installed a twinkling star ceiling panel in his bedroom.
“The star ceiling has made a great difference in Liam’s life,” says Jennifer. “His support workers have noted that the ceiling helps him to focus on a different part of his house, and it has also given him a chance to relax without having to make a prior appointment to go to a sensory room.”
It’s been fantastic to upgrade your living space and support you in regaining independence, Liam!
About Living Ambitions:
Living Ambitions delivers a diverse range of bespoke services across the UK including supported living, residential care, outreach services, respite care and support at home, with the aim of helping people live as independently as possible.
Living Ambitions is part of the Lifeways Group.
About Lifeways:
With 11,000 support colleagues working with us, Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
Lifeways support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.