Showcasing our registration: Preparing for a successful registration inspection

As a Registered Manager of a Lifeways registration, you know how important it is to provide the best possible support, and good preparation for regulatory inspections will provide you with the opportunity to do this.
Any regulatory inspection can be stressful - but showcasing the work you've done can make all the difference.
One way to showcase your hard work is by completing Lifeways Showcasing Our Registration document, which is available on Workplace, our online colleague engagement platform.
This comprehensive checklist provides evidence of Lifeways’ person-centred approach, innovation, positive changes to governance, and feedback from families and stakeholders.
Using the checklist is also a great way to highlight the achievements of individuals we support, and support team members.
Examples of the actions listed in the checklist ask Registered Managers if:
- A site risk assessment has been carried out
- A ‘meet the team’ list has been posted up for everyone at the service to see
- Evidence of local initiatives, office activities and fundraising has been gathered.
A case study
Jess Jackson, a Registered Manager at Lifeways Cumbria, recently received a ‘Good’ rating from the CQC, up from its previous rating of ‘Requires Improvement.’
In addition to all the great work Jess and the team have completed over the last 18 months, Jess and her team made sure they all completed the Showcasing Our Registration checklist, and had substantial evidence files in place within each of the services.
This allowed the CQC inspector to easily see the progress the team had made and the positive impact they had on people we support.
One of the actions that Jess had led in the service were Quality Checkers – which was noticed by the CQC inspectors.
The CQC report for Lifeways Cumbria noted:
“Some people [who Lifeways supports] were also involved in the governance process as Quality Checkers. They carried out visits with the provider's [Lifeways’] auditors to the locations to check the quality of the service for people using it.”
However, showcasing your registration goes beyond just filling out a document.
Displaying your service in the best possible light is about highlighting the extra steps you take to ensure the best support possible for the individuals you support. Doing this in turn creates a positive culture – which was also noticed by CQC inspectors, who wrote in the report that:
- “The service promoted a positive culture where people were valued. People said they were happy with the service. One person told us, ‘I'm really glad I came here, it's the best thing I could have done. (Staff) are great and are helping me to be more independent.’”
Lessons learned
As part of her work to improve her services, Jess, the Registered Manager at Lifeways Cumbria, attended monthly regional registered managers' meetings to share best practices and lessons learned.
She also produced a monthly ‘good news’ newsletter, which celebrated achievements by individuals we support, such as learning to swim or making their communal garden into a colourful place to spend time.
In addition, Jess made sure families were kept updated as soon as possible, which led to positive feedback from family members who felt their concerns were addressed promptly.
Speaking to family members of people we support, the CQC report noted:
- “’Relatives said it was a good service for their family member. Their comments included, "Lifeways Cumbria are really good and do their level best" and "I'm happy with where he is and he's happy.’”
Lifeways’ Cumbria services also had Our Voice Ambassadors, who met with Service Managers every three months to discuss suggestions and potential actions from people's comments at their tenants' meetings.
The services also had a ‘Making a Difference’ scheme, which allowed individuals we support and support team members to nominate colleagues who had gone above and beyond for a £50 award – which was also noted in the CQC report.
Evidence-based approach
This evidence-based approach to showcasing the work you've done has many benefits. It is essential you keep a live file which you update whenever you feel outcomes have been achieved or to demonstrate examples of co-production.
By providing a hard copy of everything you and your team have achieved, you give CQC inspectors a clear picture of the positive changes you've made. It also helps to create a culture of continuous improvement at your service, where support teams are encouraged to go above and beyond for the people we support.
Gareth Roberts, Lifeways’ Quality Director, said: “Jess’ outcome of receiving a ‘Good’ rating at her service’s CQC inspection only reinforces what we knew internally – that Jess and the team deserve external recognition for the last 18 months.
“I am particularly pleased to see them showcasing how they go above and beyond,” added Gareth.
“CQC inspections can be stressful and fast paced, yet using this organised approach means the inspector has a hard copy of everything you and the team have achieved.”
“Now Jess and her team can move on their journey to receiving an ‘Outstanding’ rating for the next inspection.”
Most importantly, by showcasing your registration and highlighting the hard work you and your team have done, you help create an even more positive and supportive environment for the people we support - and that’s ultimately what it’s all about.
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
Our 11,000 colleagues currently support almost 5,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
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