‘So incredibly proud’: After 9 months on the treadmill, Brian reverses his diabetes
A treadmill and a fantastic Support Team have helped Brian, an individual we support at Lifeways, reverse his diabetes.
Several years ago, Brian, who lives at one of our supported living services in Liverpool received his diabetes diagnosis.
Then, by the end of 2019, medication could no longer help lower Brian’s blood sugar levels. He faced daily insulin injections provided by an NHS diabetes team – which he would have found distressing.
He was also advised to exercise more, and eat healthier food.
Not easy
However, moving more and eating less wasn’t going to be easy for Brian. He likes to eat a lot, and prefers to stay home.
Image below: Brian before he began to use the treadmill and tweak his diet
So Brian’s Support Team put together a plan. The team supported him to buy a treadmill – and Brian started using it 15 minutes every day.
After several weeks of using the treadmill, he increased his time spent on the treadmill to 20 minutes a day – and eventually, 30 minutes a day.
The Team also supported Brian to tweak his diet, adding healthier, lower-calorie meals.
As lockdown hit, external support for Brian decreased. His appointments with his NHS diabetes team were cancelled – and his blood work not seen for about 8 months.
Yet the pandemic wouldn’t stop Brian. After several more months, he’d got up to 90 minutes on the treadmill every day, losing 5kg as a result.
In retreat
When Brian was able to safely see his diabetic nurse once again, his results came back.
“The results came back with the best news any of us could have hoped for,” said Liam McDonald, Brian’s Support Team Leader.
The Support Team were delighted. As Brian’s blood sugar levels had begun to lower, his diabetes was in retreat – and, much to Brian’s relief, he would no longer need insulin injections.
“To say we are proud of Brian is an understatement,” added Liam.
‘Happy and healthy’
“It hasn’t always been easy. Brian has had to work hard on his goals and has been committed to make the changes despite not always feeling motivated or in good spirits due to lockdown and being unable to see his family.”
“It has been a difficult journey, and one we will need to keep working on, but we are all so incredibly proud of him.”
Brian’s really encouraged by his progress - and his better health.
“I am happy and healthy now. I have a healthy heart, and I drink lots of water to help,” Brian said.
A huge well done to Brian!
About Lifeways:
Lifeways offers extraordinary support to enable adults with diverse and complex needs live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
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