Team Leader Liz up for prestigious award

Huge congratulations to Liz Williams, a Team Leader at Lifeways Wrexham, who has beaten some tough competition to be shortlisted for the Care Practitioner award at this year’s Wales Care Awards.
Liz, who started her career in retail, decided to follow her heart into social care and give something back to the community. She’s been supporting people in Wrexham for 12 years, working with a group of three men with complex physical and mental health needs and autism. As well as supporting them in their day to day lives, she has helped them to set and achieve personal goals. Liz said:
“It’s so rewarding looking back over the last 12 years and seeing how far they’ve progressed.”
She will be attending the awards ceremony at Cardiff City Hall on October 19th where the winners will be announced. Speaking about the shortlisting, Liz said:
“I’m absolutely overwhelmed, it’s amazing! It’s the first time I’ve achieved anything like this. I’m thrilled and just so excited about the awards night.”
Annette Hewitson, the Senior Service Manager who nominated Liz, added:
“Liz always encourages people to do as much as they can. Her innovation helps to drive the people she supports to access and maintain life skills.”
Best of luck on the 19th Liz, we will be keeping our fingers crossed for you!