The latest co-production news from Our Voice

The Our Voice co-production group recently held their third conference at the Orange Box in Halifax. As ever it was a jam packed day full of fun, food and lots of hard work.
Lifeways CEO Justin Tydeman spoke to the group about how co-production is part of his vision for the company. Our Voice member Paul invited Justin to be an honorary member of the group and presented him with an Our Voice pin badge. Justin answered the group’s questions on issues such as communication, finance, and recognition for Ambassadors.
Other activities included:
- A welcome speech by Our Voice member Tom
- A musical ice-breaker led by singer-songwriter Beth, with groups performing a co-production themed version of ‘Happy’ by Pharell Williams
- The second Co-Production Café, with different groups looking at health and safety, policy, marketing, workforce development and clinical services projects
We also had a look at all the things that have happened since the last meeting in June.
As ever, it has been really busy. Here are the latest developments:
- Over 130 Co-Production Champions and Ambassadors from all regions and support functions have completed training.
- 25 co-production projects are underway from Look Books to training modules, new policies and even a festival
- Co-production training will now become part of Lifeways induction programme and will be available for everybody
- Lifeways have been awarded a grant of over £20,000 from Skills for Care which will be used to provide training on graphic facilitation, presentation skills and organising meetings for Champions and Ambassadors