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The launch of the new Learning Disability England

Tuesday 14th June marks the launch of a new membership organisation, Learning Disability England (LDE). LDE brings together three groups of people – people with learning disabilities, their families and friends, and the organisations and people who work with them.

How did LDE come about? 

The idea for LDE grew out of the establishment of People First England (PFE), an advocacy organisation supported by the Housing and Support Alliance (H&SA) since 2014. Whilst PFE had a brief to support more people with learning disabilities to be involved in the media, and in politics, more resources were needed to make this a reality. PFE and H&SA decided to join together and become one membership organisation, with the purpose of supporting people with learning disabilities to speak up and have a real voice.

Lifeways is proud to be a member of Learning Disability England, and we look forward to supporting them in their ongoing projects.

To find out more about LDE or to join yourself, go to

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