‘The main drive is the people we support’: why Roman Laris, Registered Manager at Lifeways, has worked with us for two decades!
‘The main drive is the people we support’: why Roman Laris, Registered Manager at Lifeways, has worked with us for two decades!
Managing seven Lifeways supported living services is no easy task – but for Roman Laris, our Registered Manager in North London, it’s a two-decade calling.
Roman’s worked for Lifeways for 19 years.
“It’s basically loyalty,” he says, explaining why Lifeways is the only employer he’s ever worked for.
“The main drive is the people we support. We have such a good and positive impact on them. And I know that their families are happy.”
Let’s go back two decades.
Born in what was then-Czechoslovakia, Roman completed his degree in social work in the Slovakian capital of Bratislava in 2002.
Within a year, he had moved to London, and started a job as a support worker with Lifeways.
From there, Roman became a team leader, then a care coordinator, then a service manager, then a senior service manager. Along the way, Roman also gained an NVQ Level 5 diploma, which meant he was then able to become a Registered Manager of a service, a position he holds today.
Thriving team
Roman’s job sees him travel between the seven supported living services in North London that he covers – often on his bike – making sure each individual and team member can thrive.
And Roman’s long-held experience helps him support individuals with complex needs.
One individual Roman supports lives in their own purpose-built apartment at Lifeways’ Alexandra Road supported living service in Barnet.
The individual had come to live at the service, and presented behaviours that challenge. He was blind in one eye due to self-harm.
While in a service with a previous provider, the individual had not received support at night – yet was afraid of the dark.
“As soon as he [the individual now receiving support with Lifeways] came to us, we started providing one-to-one support.”
Roman and his team at the service quickly realised that the individual didn’t like the dark, and followed up on his family’s advice to support him to keep the lights on at night.
Dramatic change
“His behaviours that challenge then significantly reduced, and he stopped self-harming,” says Roman. “We supported him to keep busy during the day, and assisted him to structure his week with his family, in a person-centered way, so that every day he does activities, such as private swimming classes, trampolining, bowling and shopping.”
A decade later, the individuals’ life has changed dramatically.
“His family is just overjoyed,” says Roman. “His family are so happy for him to be living here.”
For people starting careers in support today, Roman advises learning as much as you can about the specific details.
“Study and learn as much as you can on the job,” says Roman.
The reason why, Roman adds, is because Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulatory standards are the same across England. This means if you can learn the standards in one service, you’ll know them for other services, too.
For Roman, the best thing working for Lifeways is supporting individuals to become more independent, and “seeing them happy and active.”
What’s more, Roman says, the “flexibility in my role and flexible time working allows me to juggle my personal life with work.”
Thanks for sharing your story, Roman!
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
Our 11,000 colleagues currently support almost 5,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
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