‘They are kind, caring, and they listen’: What families and guardians said about Lifeways over 2021-2022

Families and guardians of the people Lifeways support across the UK said the best thing about us is our focus on independence and person-centred support.
Around four out of five family members and guardians who responded to Lifeways’ satisfaction survey for 2021-2022 said they felt:
• their relative/friend’s staff team is kind, caring, they listen and treat them with dignity and respect
• they were involved in planning their relative/friend’s support
• their relative/friend is supported to stay healthy and well
Overall, family members and guardians said the best thing about the support we provide is independence and person-centred care; followed by kind, caring staff teams; and safe, homely environments.
In total, the survey received 348 responses from families, guardians/carers. The almost 5,000 people we support across Lifeways live in 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
‘Living the best life possible’
Commenting on the survey’s findings, Gareth Roberts, Lifeways’ Quality Director, said: “The annual survey results that we harness from the people we support and families is important information as it allows us to improve our service delivery, strengthen processes and enable them to live the best lives possible.
“However, these results are not the only metric, and the local teams are constantly engaging with the people they support every day of their lives.
“This is in addition to monthly reviews and Our Voices forums and Family forums so we are continually listening and learning from their experiences.”
Gareth added:
“There is no better intelligence than people’s opinion on how you support them, so we treat this data with the utmost importance.”
On the image at the top of this article, you can see a word cloud of the most common words families and guardians said about our support.
About Lifeways:
Lifeways is the UK’s largest team of support professionals providing support for adults in the community.
We support adults with diverse and complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, and mental health conditions.
As the supported living sector’s largest team of professionals, Lifeways’ extensive experience and national reach mean we deliver extraordinary support to adults, enabling them to live fulfilling and independent lives in the community.
Our 11,000 colleagues currently support almost 5,000 individuals who live in our 1,500 supported living and residential services across England, Scotland, and Wales.
Find out more about how we change people's lives at: www.lifeways.co.uk
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