‘You learn so much more when you meet and talk to a person’: New Enquiry, Referral and Assessment Manager joins Lifeways east region

Melissa Fenner joined Lifeways five weeks ago.
As a qualified Learning Disability Nurse (RNLD), with six years’ experience, Melissa’s expertise is in supporting individuals who live with learning disabilities and complex health needs.
At Lifeways, Melissa is an Enquiry, Referral and Assessment Manager (or ERAM for short). Melissa covers the UK’s east region. This includes Northamptonshire, Bedford, Milton Keynes, Hertfordshire, North London and Essex.
“I was attracted to the role as I wanted to be a part of a team that supports people to change and improve their lives and assist in the process of progressing and developing peoples’ independence,” says Melissa.
Complex task
Day-to-day, Melissa’s job involves matching individuals to a service and level of support that’s right for them.
Making sure each person is well-matched can be a complex task – but that’s where Melissa’s expertise in learning disabilities comes in.
“I have to give very careful consideration to matching the right service and the right package of support to each individual,” says Melissa.
Making decisions
“This means I not only consider each individual’s physical and basic needs - but also assist with their personal development and help them to live a fulfilling life. This includes providing support to help people make decisions, positive risk-taking, and helping individuals to realise their full potential.”
There’s absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach in Melissa’s role – with each person’s needs being so different.
For example: “one individual that I am hoping to place in the near future is moving on from a specialist school, and looking to begin their life in adult services,” Melissa says.
Through her career, Melissa’s learned an important truth she lives by: “I keep an open mind - and never make any judgement on someone when first receiving information that’s not directly from them.”
“You learn so much more when you meet and talk to a person.”
We have several placements available in the region where Melissa works. This includes three supported living services in Northamptonshire: Claridge Court, Pear Tree Court, and Mayfair Court.
To find out more, contact our referrals team at [email protected].