How do outreach services work?

Outreach services are designed for people with complex needs who require flexible support – and so are ideal for those who would prefer to remain in their own home, but still need help with life skills or personal care.
Outreach services are also great for offering family members and other care-givers a well-needed break without any added complexity of disrupting their loved one’s routine.
David has autism and is supported by Lifeways outreach services. “Staff help in my emotional wellbeing by raising any concerns they have if they believe I'm becoming unwell either physically or emotionally. I’ve become more independent but there's always room for improvement.”
Who are outreach services suitable for?
Outreach services are usually for people who might have complex needs such as autism, learning disabilities or physical disabilities. They offer support in the home for those who need help with developing and maintaining life skills such as shopping, cooking and household chores.
Outreach services can also be a great stepping stone between living at home and moving into a supported living service. They offer an excellent opportunity to experience what regular support could look like without the need to move someone out of the comfort of their own home.
Steven has been supported by Lifeways since 2014. He began with our outreach services and more recently has moved into one of our supported living services in Colchester, Essex where he attends a weekly theatre group at the Mushroom Theatre Company.
Steven’s passion for acting - which he was supported in pursuing, led him to feature in the film ‘My Feral Heart’. At Lifeways, we were incredibly proud that Steven won the Best Actor Award at the Breaking Down Barriers film festival for his portrayal of Luke in the film.
What outreach services do Lifeways offer?
Lifeways offers outreach services for those who are looking for a minimum of 35 hours assistance per week, helping people to engage with their local community, supporting their daily routines in their own homes, and to enjoy meaningful activities and days out.
At Lifeways, our outreach support plans are tailored to each individual, and based around their likes, dislikes and personal goals. We spend time learning about each person’s daily lives, routines and schedules to ensure that we can support them to lead a happy, fulfilling and independent life. These support plans are reviewed regularly to ensure that the people we support have the opportunity to shape their future goals.
Our outreach services support people with:
- Staying safe at home
- Developing and maintaining social connections at home and in the community
- Keeping the home environment clean and tidy
- Spending time in the local community
- Enjoying meaningful daily activities
- Attending appointments
- Managing finances, budgets and bills
- Shopping and preparing meals
- Assistance with personal care
Outreach support is a suitable option for individuals who need support in their own homes. However, if someone is in need of 24/7 specialist support, residential care could offer an alternative option.
In residential care, each person has their own individual bedroom and will have shared communal areas such as the living room, dining room and kitchen.
For those who might require less support, but would benefit from a sociable environment and the opportunity for more independence, supported living offers both.
Supported living helps people with a range of support needs retain their independence, whilst having the additional physical and emotional support to lead fulfilling lives in their own home.
How Lifeways can help
With one-to-one support for adults living with conditions such as learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries or mental health needs, we can help those with day-to-day living in their own homes.
Find out more about Lifeways outreach services, or get in touch with our team by contacting us.