Hear from three people we support at Mulberry Lodge, Sutton-in-Ashfield

Since opening last summer, our Mulberry Lodge supported living service in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, has been providing support to adults with complex needs.
Here’s what three people we support say about life at Mulberry Lodge:
"I was a little worried I wouldn't settle but I am very comfortable," says Gary, who's on the left of the image. "I really like it here."
"I like all the staff, they're all really nice and supportive." For Gary, the best thing about his move to Mulberry Lodge is that he's now able to have his own home.
What's Gary keen to do in the future? Making a pilgrimage to the US home of the king of rock and roll: Elvis Presley!
"[I'm looking forward to] getting a passport and being able to go to Graceland, I would like to go on holiday with the staff," Gary adds.
“I like it here and it’s very nice,” says Christopher, who's in the middle of the image. “The staff are nice and it’s a nice area to live in.”
Christopher’s looking forward to be able to have friends stay over – which isn’t possible under current COVID-19 restrictions.
“Friends are a big importance to people,” he says. Christopher hopes to be able keep improving his health during his time at Mulberry Lodge.
“I like it here [at Mulberry Lodge], I really do,” says Michael, who's on the right of the image. “I like everything about it. I find the privacy really nice. It’s perfect.”
“The staff are really nice and friendly.”
One of Michael’s goals is to increase his independence and gain more confidence to do household chores, which his Support Team are working on with him. “[I hope] to be able to do my own laundry in time to come.”
About Mulberry Lodge:
Mulberry Lodge is suitable for up to 14 people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries, physical disabilities and mental health conditions.
The service’s bespoke layout means it has a block of six apartments designed to support people with high level needs and physical disabilities, and two further blocks of eight apartments designed for people who need less support.
Close to the community, Mulberry Lodge is in a residential area of Sutton-in-Ashfield, just 10-minutes’ walk from the town centre.
About Lifeways:
Across the UK, Lifeways supports close to 5,000 adults in 1,500 services. Our dedicated team of support professionals support adults with diverse and complex needs. These needs include physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, learning disabilities, autism, and mental health conditions.