Here you’ll find our latest updates, announcements and good news stories from across Lifeways.

Derby Team's Cycle Challenge
A group of Lifeways staff from the East Midlands recently took on the gruelling challenge of cycling from York to Derby.
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The launch of the new Learning Disability England
Tuesday 14th June marks the launch of a new membership organisation, Learning Disability England (LDE). LDE brings together three groups of people – people with learning disabilities, their families and friends, and the organisations and people who work with them.
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Safe, effective and well-led support in Halifax
Our services in Halifax have been awarded a ‘good’ rating in their recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection.
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Topping out at Fountain Court
Fountain Court, our brand new and innovative supported housing scheme in Bloxwich near Wolverhampton, is one step closer to opening its doors. In March, a topping out ceremony was held at the site.
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Staff team win Positive Behaviour Support Award
Congratulations to the team at Living Ambitions’ Oak service in Aberdeen who won a prize at the British Institute for Learning Disabilities (BILD) Positive Behaviour Support Awards.
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